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Richmond Hill Police Department, Ga., Picks Integrated Law Enforcement Applications from EAS

EAS is honored to announce that after a thorough review of software vendors and products, Richmond Hill Police Department picked a combination of solutions from us. We recently replaced their existing Live Scan software and connected the system to our state IPS server. The agency has now gone live with our Records Management System and in-car Mobile solution as well. The integrated nature of the products and our willingness to add requested features were key factors in their decision. Before the installation began, we worked closely with Richmond Hill to spec out and develop several enhancements to the RMS, including many items on their must-have list and some that were already in our engineering pipeline.

Later in the year, we’ll be adding even more of the agency’s requested features to the software, and we’ll be implementing Eagle*NET at the PD which will enable their officers to seamlessly exchange reports, warrants, and other vital information with Bryan County Sheriff’s Office and other agencies. We’ll also be incorporating ez911 Computer Aided Dispatch functionality into Eagle*Mobile. This upcoming module will allow Richmond Hill PD to take advantage of silent dispatch and other capabilities of our partner’s ezCAD system which is in use at Bryan County E911 – all from a single mobile application.

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