Instant Accident, Crime, and Field Reporting
Quickly and Easily Pull Together Incident Reports
Eagle*Crime Mapping is an instant reporting system that ties into your current Record Management System to generate easy-to-read reports. Eagle*Crime Mapping pulls all incident report data into a web interface that you can use to view crimes, accidents, or other field reports via type, location, or time frame.
Data can be used internally, exported into Excel to take with you to meetings or other events you need to present this data, and embedded on your public-facing website to share crime data with your constituents. If a neighboring Agency or Office uses Eagle*Crime Mapping, data can be tied into each other automatically to view incidents across jurisdictions.
Eagle*Crime Mapping Features
Web-Based Application
Data Easily Sortable
Export Reports into Excel
Public Portal Available
Automatically Tie into Neighbor Systems
View Reports by Location, Type, or Time Frame
Integrates into RMS
Contact EAS Today
To easily view all of the incidents in your area in an easy-to-use customizable report.