2018 Event Schedule
In 2018 we plan to attend, or have already attended, the following events. If you’ll also be attending, stop by and say hello!
2017 Event Schedule
In 2017 we plan to attend, or have already attended, the following events. If you’ll also be attending one of these, come say hi!
2016 Event Schedule
This year, our Event Schedule includes conferences in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas.
2015 Event Schedule
Here’s a schedule of conferences Eagle Advantage Solutions, Inc., has attended or plans to attend in 2015.
2014 Event Schedule
Here’s a schedule of conferences Eagle Advantage Solutions, Inc., plans to attend in 2014.
Hancock County Sheriff’s Office, Ga., Goes Live with Full RMS/JMS Suite
We’re excited to welcome another new customer to the Eagle*Advantage fold this month!
Savannah-Chatham County Public School System, Ga., Buys 10-Print Cabinet System from EAS, Inc.
This week Savannah-Chatham Public School System (SCCPSS) became our newest Live Scan customer.
Sale City, Ga., Begins Using Eagle*Advantage RMS at Police Department
EAS tailored a small-scale solution for the PD to fit their records management needs.
Eagle Advantage Solutions, Inc., Develops Live Scan Cabinet Solution for Green Bit Scanners
EAS worked with a leading metals fabricator to design, test, and produce a cabinet solution to house fingerprint scanners made by Green Bit.
Thomas County Sheriff’s Office, Ga., Adds Eagle*Mobile
Already a valued Eagle*Advantage RMS/JMS customer, Thomas County Sheriff’s Office has added our Eagle*Mobile product to their patrol vehicle
Grady County Probate Court, Ga., Gets Eagle*Print for Applicant Fingerprinting
The Grady County Probate Court is the latest customer to get Eagle*Print to fulfill their fingerprinting needs.
Randolph County Sheriff’s Office, Ga., Adopts Eagle*Advantage and Eagle*Print for New Jail
Randolph County Sheriff’s Office has adopted the Eagle*Advantage RMS/JMS suite for use in their brand-new jail facility.
Eatonton Police Department, Ga., Swaps Live Scan Software for Eagle*Print
Eatonton Police Department began running Eagle*Print in place of their former Live Scan software, which makes the PD our newest customer.
Eagle*Advantage RMS/JMS Officially Released
We’ve released the latest version of Eagle*Advantage RMS/JMS, which is the foundation of our product line.
Richmond Hill Police Department, Ga., Picks Integrated Law Enforcement Applications from EAS
Richmond Hill Police Department picked a combination of solutions from us.
Driver’s License Barcode Scanners Now Available for Eagle*Print and Eagle*Mobile
Our development team has completed the initial integration of driver’s license scanners into both Eagle*Print and Eagle*Mobile.